Nobody likes a party crasher. You don’t. Your guests don’t. The ticket vendors absolutely hate them and you’ve been searching for temporary fences high enough to stop them altogether. Step right up. Not only do we have the range to bar the unsavory element from your mighty fine shindig, we have three reasons why you need to start keeping them at bay consistently. Think about it…Who wins here? You? Not at all.
1.You’re Losing Money
You (or the event organizer) has presumably cobbled together a payment structure for this event. Not only do ticket prices have to cover basics like government rates, licensing, permissions etc, you must contract the services of suppliers, temporary staff, bars, foods, drinks, water stands, hire attractions, big screens, shade cloths and a host of other things. Ticket prices are going up every year, it’s a complaint you’ve heard before, even to new events around the country – even University shows are charging now! By neglecting to protect your event against scalpers, you’re effective siphoning money into the dinkum dunny and hitting the flusher. If they cannot pay entry, they won’t buy much inside – your ROI is only as good as your contingency plan.
2. You’re Losing Face
If the public comes to regard your event or even large party as a violent affair, they will remember and never let you or any formal organisers forget. Crashers often bring in drugs that would be picked up at the gates, leading to potential overdose or violence amongst the crowd. Revelers want to feel safe and have a great time; they don’t need to associate your event with a random king hit incident. Not only will selling tickets make money, it also helps you screen potential threats, confiscate any substances and measure crowd capacity more accurately – even 10 crashers can turn the tide for the worse in an over-crowded mosh pit.
3. You’re Losing Popularity
If people think they can get in for free, they won’t pay for a ticket. Additionally, a concentration of fence jumpers may prevent party goers from returning next time due to a bad experience with somebody who shouldn’t have been there to begin with – higher fences, more security and arm band checks will do wonders in preventing this from happening.
4. Accountability
As soon as someone enters your event, you become accountable for their safety to an extent, even if the fine print says otherwise. Gate crashers are difficult to narrow down once they enter the thickening fray of the main act – if something were to happen, you have no name on record, no details, no idea of who they are and who you can call. By sneaking in without signing off on the terms and conditions, a new murky area of legal culpability unravels. Don’t be caught in the middle of that!
Don’t let gate crashers ruin the party, call Dinkum Dunnies for temporary fence hire in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast today.