A portable loo you’ll love to use

Most people fear entering a portable loo and we do not need to tell you why! There are some horrid and unhealthy loos that are poorly designed and uncared for, but this article is not about them. Let’s identify the tricks you can use to ensure your loo users will fall in love with the experience. Surprise them with a loo that they will love to use, again and again and again.

Superior design

The best loos are sensible in their design. They are compact but not too cramped so you feel like you’re sitting in a coffin. There is airflow and ventilation to let those stinky smells slide out, and the surfaces of the loo are hygienic and easy to clean. A great loo has an awesome lock, so users are not worried about the door swinging open, or being busted down by someone else who is impatient. A well-designed portable toilet is the start to ensuring a great experience for those using it.

Keep it stocked

Keeping a portable dunny stocked up is a must. There are few experiences worse than sitting on a loo in a public space and then realising there is no toilet paper left. Water for hand washing will also need to be available, along with soap and paper towels to keep hands healthy and smelling pretty.

Keep it cleaned

Unfortunately toilets need to be cleaned, and someone has to do it. The trick is to actually clean them more regularly than you would expect, because it is much better to keep them fresh than let the grime and gunk build up. Never expect your toilet users to be clean and tidy. There will always be loo users out there who make a strange amount of mess, so be prepared ahead of time.

Provide the right amount

The more people you have attending an event, or visiting a worksite, the more toilets you will need to provide. Having the right amount will help keep them stay cleaner and also prevent super-long lines of people who need to go in a hurry. Events with food and drink will most likely need more toilets, so talk to us about the exact number of dunnies for your needs. Teaming up with professionals will help you make the right decisions, and install loos that people love to use.

Talk to us about loos that you’ll love to use. Call us on 07 5495 5733.